Recording Every Truth, Every Lie, Every Murder.

People collect sweaters, Walden Dean collects the testaments of justice, he is a stenographer and being the ghost of the courtroom, his mind is agonizingly crammed witnessing the torrent of injustice, until now. Discovering he has a terminal illness sends him into a rage that has been simmering deep within him for years and now he is about to take justice into his own hands, in the most gruesome ways imaginable. But there is a more gruesome piece of business Walden will need to deal with, a pedophile serial killer right on his small town’s own doorstep.
Director's Statement
Sometimes, in the movie business, if the stars align and if you’re blessed, you get to do a piece of work that resonates in such a way, you know the process from writing to reaching the audience will live with you forever… this was the situation with WALDEN. From the moment Seth and Sara green lit the movie and Emile was cast we all knew something special was going on; it was in the air, tangible and spiritual. Especially with the way Emile approached his character, not to mention the wonderful cast that surrounded him. Walden Dean is and will remain, for all of us involved, a very special, a very complex and a very adorable killer, who you cannot help but understand and love.